We pride ourselves on preparing our girls for the challenges of life beyond school and see the Duke of Edinburgh Award at the very heart of this. 

It allows our girls to work with others, take responsibility and develop leadership skills. More importantly it ensures our pupils give back to the community week after week. The popularity of the scheme has grown tremendously at Bromley High School and now almost 80% of Year 10 pupils undertake Bronze, 40% of Year 11 and growing numbers of Year 12 continuing onto Gold.

According to the Chartered Institute of Professional Development, the DofE is the most recognised volunteering programme by employers. Over a quarter of UK companies look for a DofE Award in applications when they recruit, above other recognition programmes. Evidence of volunteering is seen as a valuable asset for young people entering the workplace.

The concept of DofE is simple; anyone aged between 14 and 24 can do a programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

There are four sections at Bronze and Silver level, and five at Gold.

Duke of Edinburgh Objectives

With assistance from our DofE Leader pupils select and set objectives in each of the following areas:

  • Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community. (NB: Volunteering must not be done for a business but can be undertaken for a charity or not-for-profit organisation.)
  • Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.
  • Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
  • Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.

At Gold level, participants must complete an additional fifth residential trip, which involves staying and working away from home doing a shared activity.